The use of many listening media-types in one multimedia listening application
The positive effects of using different listening texts (i.e. audio, video) in listening enhancement as a part of FLL are already well known. As
multimedia enables us to combine and present these media types, - which are the main listening elements-, more effectively on the same
computer platform, they can be presented to language-learners in one multimedia listening application (MLA) in different forms as different
listening media types (i.e. audio-only, audio + visuals, audio + animation, video-only, video + visuals). This study investigated forty five
autonomous intermediate and upper intermediate NNSs learners' (AILLs) perceptions of the use and priority of different listening mediatypes
in one MLA that aimed to enhance the listening skills of the participants. The results revealed that the learners are in favour of the
presence of different listening media types in one MLA. They believe that the presence of different listening media types in one MLA
improves their listening skills and helps prepare for the real-world. Similarly, learners prefer some listening media types more than others in
one MLA. In the same way, not only do learners think that some listening media types improve their listening more than others, but learners
also believe that they prepare better for the real-world.
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