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dc.contributor.authorKoçak, Alpaslan
dc.contributor.authorKılıç, Ömer
dc.description.abstractIn this study three Pinus L. taxa from Canada (P. strobus L., P. parviflora Siebold & Zucc. and P. mugo Turra subsp. mugo) have been studied to determination taxonomical classification based on chemical characters. For this purpose essential oil leaves of studied taxa were investigated by HS-SPME / GC–MS. Thirty eight, thirty three and thirty nine compounds were identified representing 95.90%, 95.07%, 95.79% of the oil, respectively. -pinene (32.96%), -myrcene (27.72%) and -pinene (8.01%) in P. strobus; -pinene (25.56%), caryophyllene (13.21%), germacrene D (6.71%), limonene (6.21%) and camphene (5.68%) in P. parviflora; 3-carene (36.54%), p-cymene (18.03%), -pinene (9.00%) and limonene (5.09%) in P. mugo subsp. Mug owere identified as main components. It was cocluding that the essential oils; -pinene chemotype in P. strobus and P. parviflora, 3-carene chemotype in P. mugo subsp. mugo were in plants from Waterloo region of Canada.tr_TR
dc.subjectPinus, Essential oil, Canada, HS-SPME / GC-MS.tr_TR
dc.titleEssentıal oıl composıtıon of three Pınus L. (Pınaceae) taxa from canada.tr_TR

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