Essential oil composition of endemic Centaurea saligna (K.Koch) Wagenitz from Turkey.
The Second International Symposium on “Biology of Rare and Endemic Plant Species (for
short BIORARE-2012) is organized and planned to be repeated every other years to share
and to discuss recent developments and data on biology, conservation and evolution of rare
and endemic plant species. The main goal is to bring senior scientists and students of the field
in informal, but rigorous discussion platform to stimulate future researches and collaborations
on population biology, genetics and genomics, evolution-speciation, and conservation
genetics of rare and endemic plants. Especially, it is essential for taxonomists and geneticist to
get together and communicate with a common language of evolutionary biology so further
insights in speciation and evolution of rare and endemic plant species could be achieved.
Thet BIORARE-2012 symposium and its sattellite workshop (Biodiversity Conservation and
Tourism) have attracted diverse group of researchers from 8 countries including Turkey. Total
of 35 and 13 oral presentations were presented in the Symposium and Biodiversity
Conservation and Tourism Workshop, respectively on April 24-27, 2012. Additionally, total
of 75 diverse and interesting poster presentations were available for the symposium
participants to view.
On behalf of organizing committee, I would like to thank to all contributers. Hoping that you
had a productive meeting and good times in the Sunny Beaches of Fethiye, Turkey.

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