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dc.contributor.authorOto, G. and Ekin, S. and Yaşar, S. and Özdemir, H. and Yur, F.
dc.description.abstractThis study was designed to evaluate the effect of CoQ10 and vitamin E on serum total sialic acid (TSA), lipid bound sialic acid (LSA) and some elements in rat administered doxorubicin (DXR). Cu levels were increased in the group treated with DXR + vitamin E in comparison with DXR (p<0.05) and CoQ10 groups (p = 0.001). Furthermore, copper levels were increased in the group treated with DXR + CoQ10 in comparison with CoQ10 group (p < 0.05). Zn levels were decreased in the group treated with DXR + vitamin E in comparison with CoQ10 group (p < 0.05). Mg levels were decreased in subjects treated with DXR + vitamin E in comparison with the control group values (p < 0.05). Particularly, the observed increase in Cu levels in rats from DXR + vitamin E group might be due to the decrease of vitamin E. However, the oxidative damage could be as a result of DXR occurence and may be helpful to clinicians in chemotherapy using anthracycline. © 2011 Academic Journals.
dc.sourceAfrican Journal of Biotechnology
dc.titleThe effect of CoQ10 and vitamin E on serum total sialic acid, lipid-bound sialic acid, some trace elements and minerals in rats induced with doxorubicin

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