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dc.contributor.authorKilinç, N.Ö. and Tezel, A.
dc.description.abstractAIM: This essay is made with the aim of assessing of self-efficacy level according to university students' smoking situation. METHOD: The study that is descriptive type was made in between September 2009-June 2010 in University of Bingöl. Totally 920 students who attend Bingöl Universty in 2009-2010 academic year consist of the universe of the study. The choice of sample wasn't used in the study, the study completed with 765 students who were volunteer to join the study data was collected by using the form including socio-demographic data and self-efficacy scale. Evaluating data was made by descriptive tests in computer environment, t test and analysis of variance. RESULTS: The rate of students' smoking is 6,9 % among girls, 37,4 % among boys and it is totally 44,3 %. It was determined that place that they live, their fathers' education of smoking students idea quit smoking effect their self-efficacy level. It was determined that family type, marital status, fathers' education of non-smoking students effect their self-efficacy level. CONCLUSION: It is found that self-efficacy of non-smoking students is higher than the self-efficacy of smoking students.
dc.language.isoEnglish; Turkish
dc.sourceTAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin
dc.titleThe assessment of self-efficacy level according to university students' smoking situation [Üniversite Öǧrencilerinin Sigara İçme Durumlarına Göre Öz- Etkililik Düzeylerinin Deǧerlendirilmesi]

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