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dc.contributor.authorHanbay, K. and Talu, M.F. and Karci, A.
dc.description.abstractSegmentation is an important application in the analysis of gray level and color images numerically. The task of image segmentation is to separate a given image into different regions having homogenous properties. Although the most basic segmentation is thresholding, this method has been insufficient in time. In this paper, the segmentation of color texture images is carried out with the approach of wavelet transform and artificial bee colony algorithm. Through this approach, the segmentation of typical natural scenes, including no uniform statistical color and texture characteristics is achieved. The superior and weak points of the developed method are evaluated. © 2012 IEEE.
dc.source2012 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2012, Proceedings
dc.titleSegmentation of color texture images with artificial bee colony algorithm and wavelet transform [Dalgacik dönüşümü ve yapay ari koloni̇ algori̇tmasi i̇le renkli̇ doku görüntüleri̇ ni̇n bölütlenmesi̇]

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