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dc.contributor.authorKizar, O. and Dalkilic, M. and Ramazanoglu, F. and Ulukan, H.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the present research is to examine the decision-making levels of glider pilot trainers and glider pilot candidates who serve in the field of Aeronautics in terms of certain socio-demographic variables. The universe of the present research comprises of all the pilot candidates and pilot trainers who performed gliding sports at the Turkish Aeronautical Association in 2013. In the present research, 71 pilot candidates and 21 trainer pilots that is, a total of 92 individuals participated. Obtained data was analyzed using SPSS 18 Statistics Software Package, and the significance levels was taken as p<0.05. Frequency analysis was used for personal features, oneway variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to analyze variation by age, and independent t-test analysis was used for license status and profession. Consequently, decision-making styles of glider pilot trainers were higher than glider pilot candidates. Self-respect, avoidant decision-making, suspensive decision-making, and panic decision-making styles were similar. © Kamla-Raj 2015.
dc.titleExamining the decision-making levels of glider pilot trainers and glider pilot candidates in terms of socio-demographic variables

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