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dc.contributor.authorYadollahi, M.M. and Benli, A. and Demirboʇa, R.
dc.description.abstractGeopolymers are highly complex materials which involve many variables and make for which modelling the properties is very difficult. There is no systematic approach in mix design for geopolymers. Since the amounts of silicamodulus, Na2O content, w/b ratios and curing time have a great influence on the compressive strength, an ANN (artificial neural network) method has been established for predicting compressive strength of ground pumice based Geopolymers and the possibilities of adapting ANN and artificial intelligence system for predicting the compressive strength have been studied. Consequently, a multilayer ANN by using back propagation architecture can be developed for geopolymer compressive strength prediction. In this study, the coefficient of determination (R2) has been used for investigating the proposedmodel accuracy. As a result, proposed ANNmodel can predict the compressive strength of geopolymer with R2=0.958. © W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2015.
dc.sourceMaterials Research Innovations
dc.titlePrediction of compressive strength of geopolymer composites using an artificial neural network

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