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dc.contributor.authorDemir, Y. and Canbolat, M.Y. and Doğan Demir, A.
dc.description.abstractThis research, that change of some heavy metal contents to evaluate that processed and unprocessed in lands was conducted to soils in depth profile. The study formed on alluvial parent material total in 24 profiles that of 12 processed and 12 unprocessed lands was conducted on soil samples taken from 0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 layers. Particle size distribution, organic matter content, lime, soil acidity, iron, copper, zinc, nickel, lead and cadmium analyzes were performed in soil samples. In study, soil analysis results of processed and unprocessed lands were compared with soil analysis results of according to soil profile depth. As a result of study, in soils that the processing conditions and soil depth were determined to no effect statistical on the accumulation of heavy metals. © 2016, Centenary University. All rights reserved.
dc.sourceYuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences
dc.titleAssessment of some heavy metals of change that processed and unprocessed in lands throughout soil profile [İşlenen ve İşlenmeyen arazilerde bazı ağır metallerin toprak profili boyunca değişiminin değerlendirilmesi]

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