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dc.contributor.authorKilic, O.
dc.description.abstractAbstract: In this study the chemical composition of four Salvia L. species (S. trichoclada Bentham., S. virgata Jacq., S. ceratophylla L., S. multicaulis Vahl.) from Turkey, were analyzed by GC-MS (Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry) system. Forty, forty one, forty three and thirty nine compounds were identified representing 91.9 %, 90.4 %, 89.7 %, 88.4 % of the S. trichoclada, S. virgata, S. ceratophylla and S. multicaulis oils, respectively. Caryophyllene oxide (25.1 %), spathulenol (15.4 %) and β-pinene (12.3 %) were identified to be the main constituents of S. trichoclada. 1,8-Cineole (20.3 %), α-copaene (18.6 %) and germacrene D (17.6 %) were determined the major compounds of S. virgata. Germacrene D (23.6 %), α-copaene (19.4 %) and 1,8-cineole (7.8 %) were found to be the main constituents of S. ceratophylla. Caryophyllene oxide (22.5 %), spathulenol (12.7 %) and β-pinene (7.5 %) were detected to be the main constituents of S. multicaulis. The results were discussed in view of chemotaxonomy and natural products. © 2016 Har Krishan Bhalla & Sons.
dc.sourceJournal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants
dc.titleChemical Composition of Four Salvia L. Species From Turkey: A Chemotaxonomic Approach

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