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dc.contributor.authorKiliç, H. and Bayram, Y. and Tekdal, S.
dc.description.abstractWheat stem sawfly [Cephus pygmaeus L. (Hymenoptera: Cephidae)] is one of the most common and important pests in wheat cultivated areas of Turkey. In this study, the effect of wheat stem sawfly damage on yield and yield components of some common cultivated bread wheat varieties that common in Southeastern Anatolia Region have been investigated. Studies were established in GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center in 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 years and 12 wheat lines and varieties were tested in this study. For determining infested wheat plants, samples have been taken from each plot as 0.75 m x 2 lines with four replications. While infestation rate of saw fly in 2007-2008 was found as 0.0-18.62%, in 2008-2009 this rate was found as 0.0-8%. Infestation rate of control varieties such as Nurkent, Pehlivan and Sagittario in 2007-2008 have been determined as 13.1%, 11.3% and 5.26% respectively, while in 2008-2009 this rate decreased as 3.71%, 5.5% and 0% (P<0.05). It was observed that maximum reduction in kernel weight spike was found as 36.1% in Sagittario cultivar, while minimum reduction was found as 0% in G6 cultivar (P<0.05). © 2017, Centenary University. All rights reserved.
dc.sourceYuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences
dc.titleEvaluation in terms of resistance to wheat stem sawfly [Cephus pygmaeus l. (hymenoptera: Cephidae)] damage of bread wheat genotypes with different phenological characters [Farklı Fenolojik Özelliklere Sahip Ekmeklik Buğday Genotiplerinin Ekin Sap Arısı [(Cephus pygmaeus L. (Hymenoptera: Cephidae)] Zararına Dayanıklılık Yönünden İncelenmesi]

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