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dc.contributor.authorBenli, A. and Karataş, M. and Sastim, M.V.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the bond strength of self-compacting mortars (SCMS) produced from ground pumice powder (GPP) as a mineral additive. In this scope, six series of mortars including control mix were prepared that consist of 7%, 12%, 17%, 22% and 27% of ground pumice powder by weight of cement. A total of 54 specimens of 40×40×160 mm were produced and cured at the age of 3, 28 and 90-day for compressive and tensile strength tests and 18 specimens of 150×150×150 mm mortar were prepared and cured at 28 days for bond strength tests. Flexural tensile strength and compressive strength of 40×40×160 mm specimens were measured at the curing age of 7, 28 and 90-day. Mini V-funnel flow time and mini slump flow diameter tests were also conducted to obtain rheological properties. As a result of the study, it was observed that the SCMs containing 12% of GPP has the highest bond strength as compared to control and GPP mortars. Compressive strength slightly increased up to 12% of GPP. © 2017 Techno-Press, Ltd.
dc.sourceComputers and Concrete
dc.titleInfluence of ground pumice powder on the bond behavior of reinforcement and mechanical properties of self-compacting mortars

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