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dc.contributor.authorYadollahi, M.M. and Benli, A.
dc.description.abstractThe various types of structural materials that are available in the construction industry nowadays make it necessary to predict their stress-strain behavior. Geopolymer are alternatives for ordinary Portland cement concrete that are made from pozzolans activation. Due to relatively new material, many mechanical specifications of geopolymer are still not yet discovered. In this study, stress-strain behavior has been provided from experiments for unconfined geopolymers. Modulus of Elasticity and stress-strain behavior are critical requirements at analysis process and knowing complete stress-strain curve facilitates structural behavior assessment at nonlinear analysis for structures that have built with geopolymers. This study intends to investigate stress–strain behavior and modulus of elasticity from experimental data that belongs for geopolymers varying in fineness and mix design and curing method. For the sake of behavior determination, 54 types of geopolymer are used. Similar mix proportions are used for samples productions that have different fineness and curing approach. The results indicated that the compressive strength ranges between 7.7 MPa and 43.9 MPa at the age of 28 days curing. © 2017 Techno-Press, Ltd.
dc.sourceComputers and Concrete
dc.titleStress-strain behavior of geopolymer under uniaxial compression

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