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dc.contributor.authorYasar, H. and Usta, E. and Demir, U.
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, much research has been performed in order to decrease fuel consumption, noise, and exhaust emission levels in internal combustion engines. In this study, the effects of excess air coefficient on performance and exhaust emissions (CO, CO2) of an HCCI engine fueled with primary reference fuel (PRF) were investigated for different intake air pressure and temperature values. The simulation studies were performed by using SRM Suite software. The chemical kinetic mechanism, which contains 138 species and 633 reactions that are embedded into the program, was used to simulate the combustion of the PRF fuel during the combustion simulations. The analysis covers the full cycle and provides data about induction, compression, combustion, expansion, and exhaust. The exhaust emissions, cylinder pressure, and heat release rate results were compared with the experimental data. The zero-dimensional software (SRM Suite) gives quite reasonable results compared with the experimental data, and it has advantages such as the shorter solution time and the unlimited chemical kinetic mechanism compared with the three-dimensional combustion simulation software. © 2018 American Chemical Society.
dc.sourceEnergy and Fuels
dc.titleExperimental and Stochastic Reactor Modeling Results of an HCCI Engine Fueled with Primary Reference Fuel

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