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dc.contributor.authorCoskun, G. and Demir, U. and Soyhan, H.S. and Turkcan, A. and Ozsezen, A.N. and Canakci, M.
dc.description.abstractIn this study, Stochastic Reactor Model (SRM) was used to simulate a direct injection homogenous charge compression ignition (DI-HCCI) engine fueled with ethanol–gasoline blends by two stage direct injection (TSDI) strategies. Performance of the DI-HCCI engine was examined at constant engine speed and high equivalence ratio conditions. TSDI strategies were applied during the intake stroke (first injections) and at the end of the compression stroke (second injections) by using different injection ratios (IR) of E10 and E20 blends. SRM results were compared and validated with the experimental results. Experimental and SRM results showed that the first injection variation does not have significant effect on controlling HCCI combustion while variation of the second injection timing and IR change peak pressure significantly. Therefore, this strategy can be used to control the HCCI combustion. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd
dc.titleAn experimental and modeling study to investigate effects of different injection parameters on a direct injection HCCI combustion fueled with ethanol–gasoline fuel blends

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