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dc.contributor.authorDilsiz, K. and Durgut, S. and Yi, K. and Spiegel, L.
dc.description.abstractThe CMS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider features as its innermost component a silicon pixel detector. The original pixel detector was completely replaced during the 2016-2017 winter technical stop. One of the goals of this Phase-1 Upgrade of the pixel detector was to replace the sensors in the original CMS forward pixel detector with new, unirradiated sensors. The new CMS forward pixel detector must survive an integrated luminosity of 300 fb −1 before being replaced again prior to the High-Luminosity LHC era. Just as in the original construction, the Phase-1 forward pixel sensors were made of n + -in-n Diffusion Oxygenated Float Zone silicon. This note documents the quality spot-checking of the new sensors, comparing our results with those provided by the vendor. In general there was good agreement between the results. © TÜBİTAK
dc.sourceTurkish Journal of Physics
dc.titleQuality control of silicon pixel wafers for the CMS Phase-1 pixel upgrade

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