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dc.contributor.authorTurhan, M.F. and Durak, R. and Akman, F. and Kaçal, M.R. and Araz, A.
dc.description.abstractThe total atomic attenuation cross-section values in the energy region from 14.932 to 57.142 keV were determined to obtain completely experimental values of the K shell absorption edge energies for Cd, La and Ce elements. The photoelectric cross-sections in the aforementioned energy range, K shell photoelectric cross-sections at the K edge, K shell absorption jump ratios, K shell absorption jump factors and K shell oscillator strength values were obtained with the help of the total atomic attenuation cross-sections. The measurements were performed using the secondary excitation geometry including a high resolution Si(Li) detector. 59.54 keV photon energy emitted from the Am-241 annular radioactive source was used as the primary source. The K shell characteristic X-ray energies of the some selected elements between Y and Er were used as the secondary source. The obtained experimental results were checked with the theoretical and other available experimental results, and it was observed that there is a good agreement between them. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd
dc.sourceRadiation Physics and Chemistry
dc.titleDetermination of some selected absorption parameters for Cd, La and Ce elements

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