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dc.contributor.authorBehçet, L. and Yapar, Y.
dc.description.abstractA rediscovery of the endemic Micromeria cymuligera is presented. This species is endemic to Turkey. While it was first collected by Haussknecht in 1865 from Kahramanmaraş and described by P. E. E. Boissier and C. Haussknecht in 1879, it was not recollected until 2011. We rediscovered two populations of this species in Bingöl (eastern Anatolia). The distribution range of the species, its ecology, and photos are presented. Additionally, we provide a revised description of this poorly known species and its morphological affinities are briefly discussed considering that it may possibly rather belong to the genus Mentha. Pollen characteristics and nutlet surface features were examined with light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Its current conservation status is re-evaluated with respect to the most recent IUCN criteria. © 2019 Nordic Society Oikos
dc.sourceNordic Journal of Botany
dc.titleRediscovery of the lost endemic Micromeria cymuligera (Lamiaceae) in eastern Anatolia-Turkey

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