Measurement of L subshell fluorescence yields for high-Z elements excited by 22.6keV photons
Kaçal, Mustafa Recep
Han, İbrahim
Akman, Ferdi
Durak, Rıdvan
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The σ L1, σ L2 and σ L3 subshell X-ray production cross sections for U, Th, Bi, Pb, Tl, Hg, Au, Pt, Os, W, Ta, Lu, Yb and Er have been measured at 22.6keV incident photon energy. The measurements were performed using a 109Cd radioisotope as the photon source and a Si(Li) detector. L i subshell fluorescence yields ω 1, ω 2 and ω 3 have been determined from the measured σ L1, σ L2 and σ L3 subshell X-ray production cross sections. The measured L i subshell production cross sections and ω i fluorescence yields were compared with theoretical, the semi-empirical and recommended values.

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