dc.description.abstract | A survey was conducted to investigate nematode biodiversity in three
major potato growing areas, Aybasti, Kabatap and Korgan districts of
Ordu province of Turkey in 2010. In the survey, a total of 24 soil
samples were collected from potato fields belonging to these areas where
the native ecotypes called Aybasti Beyazi and Aybasti Sarisi occur. The
analysis of the soil samples collected from the rhizosphere of potato
revealed the presence of 25 nematodes taxa belonging to different
trophic groups. Nine genera of plant parasitic group, 2 families and 9
genera of bacterivorous group, 3 genera of fungivore group, one genus of
predator group and one order of omnivore group were allocated. The
incidence and the abundance of the nematodes varied among the three
areas. Pratylenchus and Tylenchus sp., seem to be the most widespread
plant parasitic genera because they were both frequent on the potato
throughout the three regions. Meloidogyne was found only in a sample of
Korgan district with a 720 J2s abundance. The other taxa found were
Helicotylenchus, Geocenamus, Paratylenchus, Psilenchus, Filenchus,
Meloidogyne, Tylenchorhynchus, Rhabditidae, Monhysteridae, Cephalobus,
Eucephalobus, Acrobeloides, Chiloplachus, Cervidellus, Acrobeles,
Wilsonema, Plectus, Tripyla, Aphelenchoides, Aphelenchus, Ditylenchus,
Mononchus sp. and Dorylaimida. Plant parasitic nematodes except
Pratylenchus sp. were not found to be very wide-spread and abundant in
the province. On the other hand, free-living nematodes which were
considered to be the indicators of soil heath were found divers and
abundant. | |