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dc.contributor.authorAslan, Imran and Gunes, Pinar
dc.description.abstractInstitutionalization of the new universities is critical to deal with problems faced by staff and students, and region. In this paper, a new process of institutionalization producing stable correlations and shared beliefs for measuring the dynamics of institutionalization was carried out at Bingol University, a new university established in 2008 in the east of Turkey. The theory should be applied to a wide range of institutions to compete with national and international universities. Diverse educational quality of higher education is now a serious issue in Turkey due to increasing numbers of graduates not being able to find a job despite the availability of many work opportunities. Challenges need to be minimized to create a harmony between quality and financial sustainability in Bingol University. For this study, 130 surveys were carried out at Bingol University out of 500 staffs in 2015. Statistical tools like one-way ANOVA were used to evaluate the degree of institutionalization. Being a new university, having low-qualified academicians, getting low-scoring students from national entrance exam to universities named as LYS, and self interests are major barriers preventing the institutionalization of Bingol University. (C) 2016 Published by Future Academy
dc.titleInstitutionalization in Practice: Development of a University
dc.typeProceedings Paper

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