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dc.contributor.authorCaglayan, Ali and Can, Ahmet Burak
dc.description.abstractRecognizing 3-D objects has a wide range of application areas from autonomous robots to self-driving vehicles. The popularity of low-cost RGB-D sensors has enabled a rapid progress in 3-D object recognition in the recent years. Most of the existing studies use depth data as an additional channel to the RGB channels. Instead of this approach, we propose two volumetric representations to reveal rich 3-D structural information hidden in depth images. We present a 3-D convolutional neural network (CNN)-based object recognition approach, which utilizes these volumetric representations and single and multi-rotational depth images. The 3-D CNN architecture trained to recognize single depth images produces competitive results with the state-of-the-art methods on two publicly available datasets. However, recognition accuracy increases further when the multiple rotations of objects are brought together. Our multirotational 3-DCNNcombines information from multiple views of objects to provide rotational invariance and improves the accuracy significantly comparing with the single-rotational approach. The results show that utilizing multiple views of objects can be highly informative for the 3-D CNN-based object recognition.
dc.sourceIEEE ACCESS
dc.titleVolumetric Object Recognition Using 3-D CNNs on Depth Data

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