Pythagorean triples containing generalized Lucas numbers
Let P and Q be nonzero integers. Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas
sequences are defined as follows: U-0(P, Q) = 0, U-1(P, Q) = 1, and
Un+1(P, Q) = PUn(P, Q)+QU(n-1)(P, Q) for n >= 1 and V-0(P, Q) = 2,
V-1(P, Q) = P, and Vn+1(P, Q) = PVn(P, Q)+QV(n-1)(P, Q) for n >= 1,
respectively. In this paper, we assume that P and Q are relatively prime
odd positive integers and P-2+4Q > 0. We determine all indices n such
that U-n= (P-2 + 4Q)x(2) . Moreover, we determine all indices n such
that (P-2+4Q)U-n = x(2). As a result, we show that the equation
V-n(2)(P, 1)+V-n+1(2)(P, 1) = x(2) has solution only for n = 2, P = 1, x
= 5 and V-n+1(2)(P, -1) = V-n(2)(P, -1)+x(2) has no solutions. Moreover,
we solve some Diophantine equations.
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