Now showing items 281-300 of 351

    • Media and its impact on the purchasing behavior of consumersa field study in the province of Sulaymaniyah 

      Abdallqadir, Emad Abdulla (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)
      Goal summary most studies suggest that the Internet, the use of the media are changing consumer behavior, as has the recent trend in.developing.countries such as Iraq. This overview ...
    • Dört mezhebe göre karşılaştırmalı fıkıh incelemesi bakımından abdestin mekrûhları 

      Hama, Dıyaree Abdulrazzaq Kaka (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)
      Hamd alemlerin rabbi olan allah'adır, ve Peygamberlerin Efendisine, ailesine ve yoldaşlarına, barış ve nimetler olsun . Bu mesaj (abdest mekruhatlari, dört mezheb arasındaki karşılaştırmalı bir içtihat çalışmasıdır), bir ...
    • Kur’ân’da Müenneslik-müzekkerlik uyumu sorunu 

      Karim, Aram Abdalrahman (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)
      In this research mentioned define the masculine and feminine for both side language and terminology in detail, then divided both type of them to some kinds with define all kinds, as well as mentioned the formulas related ...
    • Modernizmin öncülerinin şiirlerinde somut tasvir 

      Hasan, Botan Omar (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)
      This letter, entitled "The artistic picture in the poetry of pioneers of modernity" is an attempt to highlight the beauty of poetic images, In poets poetry pioneers of the modern era (Nazik Al-Malaik Badr Shaker Al-Sayab, ...
    • Administrative leadership and its role on achieving success strategies 

      Ismael, Kwan Abdulqader (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)
      This study aims to investigate the role of administrative leadership that its dimension encompass of (administration creativity, the ability to make decisions, and organizational culture) on achieving success strategies ...
    • The role of television on children's socializations process 

      Ahmed, Amin Khdir (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)
      The aim of this study is to investigatae and analyze the role of televesion in child scoilaization process. The importance of the reseacrh paper can be realized in its model as it shows the role of televsion on Salafi ...
    • The role of human resource management strategies on organizational performance 

      Ismael, Redar Abdulqader (2017)
      This dissertation aims to examine the role of human resource management strategies its dimension comprise of "recruitment and selection, training and development, sustain of human resources, performance appraisal, and ...
    • Hadis ilim hizmetinde teknolojiden faydalanma 

      Al Tabbakh, Anas (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017)
      The researches show the history documenting of sciences throughout eras and methods of authentication the hadiths since the beginning of Hadith authentication science arriving to the modern technology ages which we pass ...
    • The impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth by construction sector in Krg-Iraq 

      Al-Sulaiman, Ayad Hussein Mohammed (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)
      The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on constructions sector in KRG. The main objective of this study is to analyze the FDI conditions of host country KRG in order to attract ...
    • The impact of leadership styles on economic development practices in Krg-Iraq 

      Salih, Hogar Akram (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)
      In the modern era, the leadership styles in organizations are facing several challenges due to the dynamic nature of the environment. One of the many challenges for leaders is to satisfy its employees in order to cope up ...
    • Estimating function of demand for the dollar in the Iraqi economy (for the period 2003-2014) 

      Mustafa, Shivan Mohammed Salih (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)
      Demand for money is one of the economic variables that aim at achieving monetary balance in society to achieve the goal of sustainable economic growth. Therefore, tracking the behavior of the function of demand for money ...
    • Esirüddin El-Ebheri'nin kelâmi görüşleri 

      Atli, Sezen (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)
      With his works on many subjects, Esiruddin al-Ebheri made great scholarly contribution to the Islamic world, and to the the world of Islamic Theology, with his unique ideas about the common subjects of philosophy and ...
    • Milli Mücadelede kadın kahramanlarımız(1919-1922) 

      İslam, Aynur (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2021)
      Bu Tez çalışmasında kahraman Anadolu kadınının Milli Mücadele'deki (1919-1922) katkıları ortaya konuldu. Bu dönemde Türk kadını gerek Güney, Doğu, Batı, cephelerinde gerekse cephe arkasında işgalci devletlerle mücadele ...
    • Ahkamu'l-Muavvikin ve Rivayetuhum Fi'ş Şeriati'l-İslamiyye 

      Rasool, Wırya Nooruldeen (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2021)
      İslam Şerî'atında Engellilerin Hükümleri başlıklı bu çalışma özel bakıma ihtiyaç duyanlar ve onlar için şer'î hukuk bakımından onlarla ilgili problemleri ele alan fıkhî ilmî bir araştırmadan ibarettir. Bu bakımdan bu çalışma ...
    • Semavi dinlerde faiz mevzusunun mukayesesi 

      Kaynar, Erhan (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2021)
      Günümüz iktisat sisteminin, ekonomik açıdan güçlü olan devletlerin ve sermayedarların sömürü ve kazanç mekanizmasının temel kaynaklarından biri faizdir. Paranın kirası ya da parayı parayla satmak olarak tanımlayabileceğimiz ...
    • Tavzîfü münezzemâti't-tahtîtîye fî tedrîsi lüğati'l-arabiyye li't-talebeti ğayri'n-nâtikîne bihâ lî tahsîni istiâbihim el-kıraî ve tenmiyyeti itticâhihim nehvehü 

      Ramadhan, Azad Othman (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)
      The current study aims at knowing the impact of employing the planning organizations in reading comprehention for the students of 10th grade and developing their direction towards the material it envolves a sample of (100) ...
    • İslam Hukuku ile Medeni Hukuk ışığında kanuni ve dini nikahın ikilemi sorunu 

      Kırtay, Ahmet (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)
      İslâm hukukuna göre nikâh birbirleriyle evlenmelerinde herhangi bir mâni bulunmayan bir erkek ile bir kadının kendi iradeleriyle ortak bir hayat kurmak üzere yaptıkları akittir. Nikâh akdinin unsurları, evlenme isteğinde ...
    • Leadership styles and their relation to administrative creativity of the Ministry of Planning in the Erbil city 

      Saadi, Samir Mohammed (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2018)
      The study pursued to investigate the leadership styles and their relationships to the administrative creativity of the ministry of planning in the Erbil city. The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship ...
    • Arıcıların finansal okuryazarlıklarının belirlenmesi: Bingöl uygulaması 

      Tuncel, Fatma Betül (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2021)
      Bireylerin finansal bilgi eksikliği sonucu yanlış tercihlerde bulunması, aldatılması gibi riskler ile karşı karşıya kalması, finansal okuryazarlığın önemini ortaya koymaktadır. Birçok devlet finansal okuryazarlığı arttırmak ...
    • Tahsin Germiyânî'nin romancılığı 

      Mohammed, Azad Abdullah (Bingol University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2021)
      Roman, yorumlayıcı bir edebi türdür ve sosyal, politik, dini ve kültürel alanlarla etkileşim içerisindedir. Yeni roman söylemi, bireyin ve toplumun kişiliğini şekillendiren ve genel üretime hakimiyet gösteren birden fazla ...