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dc.contributor.authorTürel, Vehbi
dc.identifier.citationTurel, V. & Kılıc, E. (2015). Design of the while-listening tasks in autonomous hypermedia environments. International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 3(1), pp. 46-76. DOI: 10.1504/IJHRCS.2015.069245
dc.description.abstractIn this article, firstly the definition of autonomy will be briefly touched on. Secondly, the categorisation of autonomy will be shortly made. Mainly, what needs to be taken into account in order to be able to design and create pedagogically and psychologically effective and useful while listening tasks for autonomous (intermediate) language learners in hypermedia environments, where a wide range of digital elements can be combined and presented on the same digital platform more efficiently for foreign language learning purposes, will be focussed on. While this is done, the needs of autonomous (intermediate) language learners will be accounted for. To be able to present the topic efficiently, concrete examples of the while-listening tasks for autonomous hypermedia environments will be provided and the assumptions underlying them will be explained.tr_TR
dc.subjecttasks; listening; design; hypermedia; multimedia; autonomous;tr_TR
dc.titleDesign of the while-listening tasks in autonomous hypermedia environmentstr_TR

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