Hypermedia and its’ role in learning
In this article, initially, the definition and outstanding
aspects of the relevant terms such as multimedia, multiple
media, interactive multimedia (IMM) hypermedia
and adaptive hypermedia (AHM) will be focussed
on. Later, the role of hypermedia in learning will be
concentrated on. The aim is: (1) to give definition of
the pertinent terms and state what hypermedia means,
and (2) to explore the role of hypermedia in learning
at this digital age, in which most learners are generally
digitally fluent and competitive (Türel, 2013, p. 483;
Gros et al., 2012, pp. 190-210) although some claims
otherwise (Bullen et al., 2011, pp. 1-24). Pedagogically
and epistemologically, educational institutions should
respond to such learning demands and differences to
accommodate the digital-literate, wise and efficient
learning style preferences. Educational institutions
have to use hypermedia in order to be competitive in
this digital age (Duncan-Howell, 2012).
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