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dc.contributor.authorTürel, Vehbi
dc.identifier.citationTürel, V. (1999). Creating effective web pages for the learners of English as a second language. The Researcher, 2(1), 27-41, UK.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractThis paper discusses some importanl issues concerning the creation of web pages. Before focusing on the core of this article, firstly a def nition of the Internet will be given. Secondly, what the Internet can offer the language learners will be accountedfor. Later the vilal points that need lo be considered when we create web materials (and add web links) will be indicoted. Finally, sample web materials for a specific group of the Ianguage leanters will be illustrated, and the objectives in creating and designing lhe materials in this particular way will be explainedtr_TR
dc.publisherThe University of Manchester, School of Educationtr_TR
dc.subjectCreating language learning web pages, importanl issues concerning the creation of online language learning materialstr_TR
dc.titleCreating effective web pages for the learners of English as a second language. The Researcher, 2(1), 27-41, UK.tr_TR

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