Fresh-cut papaya fruit were stored at 5 °C along with their counterpart for
10 days, and in every 2 days samples from both fresh-cut and intact were taken to
determine ethanol insoluble solids, total soluble sugar, water-soluble, CDTAsoluble, Na2COrsoluble pectins amount. Moreover neutral sugar rhamnose,
arabinose, xylose, man nose, galactose and glucose amount were investigated during
the storage. The ethanol insoluble solids did not show significant changes during the
storage. The amount of ethanol insoluble solids was approximately 26 Ilg.mg-t f.w.
Total soluble sugar content showed only differences at day IO for fresh-cut fruit. At
day IO total soluble sugar content of fresh-cut 93.12 mg.g-lf.w. while that of intact
fruit was 102.58 mg.g-If.w. Pectins amount in fresh-cut fruit showed minor changes
during the storage. Total pectins amount in fresh-cut fruit decreased during storage
but did not show any changes in intact fruit. At day IO total pectin amount in freshcut fruit 345.35 Ilg.mg-l EIS while in intact fruit 345.35 Ilg.mg"l EIS. Water-soluble
polyuronides represented the primary pectic fraction followed by CDTA and
Na2CO3, respectively. Only galactose seemed to affected from fresh-cut processing;
fresh-cut fruit demonstrated higher galactose loss compared to intact .fruit. It is
concluded that cell wall polyuronides show significant solubility and
depolymerization in response to wounding
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