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dc.contributor.advisorDoç. Dr. Mustafa KIRKIZen_US
dc.contributor.authorTAHA, SABRIYA MOHAMMED
dc.description.abstractخٍِ ا جٌؾش طظ ٌٞ ٛ ٌٙ ح خَُٓ شُ ح ؤُي شٓ ٝح ظُ ٜٔ ٤ي ٝػلاػش كٜٞ ،ٍ ك ٢ ح ظُ ٜٔ ٤ي طليػ خ٘ ػ حلا ٣ِٗخف ك ٢ ح ؼُٜ ح ُخٛ ٢ِ، ػ حلا ٣ِٗخف ك ٢ ح وُ آَ ح ٣ٌَُ ،ْ ٝا ٠ُ ؿخ ذٗ يًُ طليػ خ٘ ػ رلاؿش ٝكٜخكش ح َُٞٓ )ٛ ٠ِ الله ػ ٤ِٚ ٝ ( ٝ خٌٓ ظٗٚ، لا يٗ رلاؿظٚ ٣ٞٛق د) ؿٞح غٓ ح (ٌُِْ. ٚا فٌق الأٚي ٣لظٞ ١ ػ ٠ِ ح ظُؼخ ٣ٍق ح ظُٔؼ وِش رؼ ٞ٘ح ح خَُٓ شُ، رؼي يًُ طليػ خ٘ ػ ؤٗ٘س حلا ٣ِٗخف ك ٢ حلأىد ح ُ رَ ٢ ٝرٞؿٞى ؿ ٌٝ كٍ ٢ حلأىد ح ؼُ رَ ٢ ح وُي ٣ ٝٛظِٚ رخ يُ حٍ خٓص ح خُِٔ ٤ٗش ح لُي ٣ؼش، غٓ حلا ٣ِٗخف ػ ي٘ ح يُح ٤ٍٓ ر ػخ ح وُ٘خى ٝح ُِٞ ٤٣ ٝح زُلاؿ ٤٤ ،ٖ ٝحلاط ٤خ ر خ٘ٔ ؽً ػ ٠ِ ٝؿٞى حلا ٣ِٗخف هي ٣ خٔ ك ٢ حلأىد ح ؼُ رَ ٢ ر ٜٔط لِخص وٓظ لِش ح ؼُيٝ ،ٍ ٝح ظُ و٘ ،َ ٝح ظُخ ٤٣ ،َ ٝح ُ٘خػش ح ؼُ رَ ٤ش، ٝؿ ٤ يًُ ح ُٜٔط لِخص. ٚفٟ ا فٌق ا ضٌب ٟٔ ط خ٘ٝ خُ٘ ح يُلا شُ ٝحلا ظٓيلا ،ٍ ٝػ ح زُ ٤خ ٝطؼ ٣َلٚ ُش ٝحٛطلاكخ ، ٝحلا ٣ِٗخف ح يُلا ٢ُ ٝأ ٞٗحػٚ حلا ظٓؼخ سٍ، ٝح ظُ ز٘ ٤ٚ، ٝح خٌُ٘ ٣ش غٓ ح ظُؼخ ٣ٍق ٛ ٌٙ حلأ ٞٗحع ح ًٌُٞٔ سٍ غٓ خًًَٗٔ ؽً ططز ٤وش لُأكخى ٣غ ح وُي ٤ٓش ٤ُ ٌٞ ؛ٕ خٗٛيح ٝى ٤ُلا ػ ٠ِ ٝؿٞىٛ حٌ ح ُٞ٘ع . حلا ٣ِٗخف ح يُلا ٢ُ ٚفٟ ا فٌق ا ضٌب شٌ طط هَ خ٘ ا ٠ُ حلا ٣ِٗخف ح ظُ ٤ًَز ٢، ٝطؼ ٣َلٚ ٝطؼ ٣َق ٞٗع أ ٞٗحع ٛ حٌ حلا ٣ِٗخف ُش ٝحٛطلاكخ ح ظُوي ٣ ٝح ظُؤه ٤ ٝح لُ فٌ ٝحلاػظ حَٝ ٝحلا ظُلخص .... غٓ خٗٔ ؽً ططز ٤و ٤ش حلأكخى ٣غ ح وُي ٤ٓش ٞٗع . ٚفٟ ا خٌبر خّ خًًَٗ أٛ ح ظُ٘خثؾ ح ظُ ٢ طٞٛ خِ٘ ا ُٜخ هلا ظًخرش ٛ ٌٙ ح خَُٓ شُ، ػ ط ٤ِٜخ هخث شٔ ح ُٜٔخى ٍٝح حَُٔؿغ ٝح يُٝ ٣ٍخص ح ظُٔٔؼ شِٔ ك ٢ ظًخرش ٛ ٌٙ ح خَُٓ شُ.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research paper project consists of a beginning and a preface introduction then followed by three parts.I have talked about (exposited deviation) from the old ages before the arrival of Islam, after that deviation from the Holy Qur’an, then I have written about the eloquent figures of speech by our prophet (peace be up on him) the high social status of him, there is not any doubt of his eloquence, it’s known as something very unique and not normal, also the best talented and well informed speech (Brief and few words, but full of meaning, very top in detail). The first part of this research includes the 'title ' , then I have clarified and talked about the start and crop up (deviation ) from (western literature ) , the base of this phenomena from old Arabic literature to the latest moderated linguistics , deviation according to the researchers and academic scholars in general with critics ,linguistics , also eloquent s by giving examples about the deviation previously from the Arabic literature with different variety of dialects like ( deviation , change , the bravery of Arabs , also many other idioms ) . From the second part I have talked about the clarity and the science of exposition manifesting also defining linguistically and idiomatically, the types of clarity like metaphoric use, simile, metonymy and the detailed definition for each of them with referring to the top speeches of prophet as an evidence for clarity. The third part is specified to the (composing deviation) with its full definition concerning to the linguistics, metonymy, idiomatic expressions like progress and latent, removing, quibble, etc……Also mentioning good believable examples for all above talked about.From the conclusion of this research I have also clarified all the results I have been reached during writing this research, after that at the end, there is a list that includes:en_US
dc.description.abstract“Kudsî Hadislerde Inzıyâh” isimli çalıĢmamız, giriĢ ve üç bölümden oluĢmaktadır. GiriĢ kısmında Ġnziyâh olgusunun Cahiliye dönemi᾽ndeki varlığının yanı sıra Kur᾽ân-ıKerîm᾽deki varlığı ve Peygamberimizin (a.s) belâgî yönü ele alınmıĢtır. Birinci bölümde konu ile ilgili kavramların tanımı üzerinde durulmuĢ, inziyâh olgusunun modern dil çalıĢmalarındaki bağlantısı ve Batı dünyası ile klasik Arap edebiyatlarındaki kökleri araĢtırılmıĢtır. Bu bağlamda Cahiliye dönemi᾽nde söz konusu kavramla yakın iliĢkide kullanılan udûl, tenekkul, tegâyur gibi farklı kavramlar, örnekler ıĢığında incelenmiĢtir. Ayrıca eleĢtirmen ve dilcilerin Ġnziyâh kavramına yaklaĢımları da irdelenmiĢtir. Ġkinci bölümde delâlet ve istidlâl kavramlarıyla belâgat ilminin tanımları verildiği gibi delâlîinziyâh kavramının kısımları olan teĢbîh, kinâye vb. olgular kudsî hadislerden seçilen uygulamalı örnekler kapsamında ele alınmıĢtır. Üçüncü bölümde ise terkîbîinziyâh olgusunun tanımı, takdim ve te᾽hîr gibi kısımları kudsî hadislerden seçilen örneklerle birlikte verilmiĢtir. Sonuç kısmında da araĢtırma neticesinde elde edilen yeni bulgular aktarılmıĢtır.en_US
dc.subjectا ىٌ بٍّد ا فٌّزبؽ ١خ:ح لُي ٣غ ح وُي ٢ٓ، حلا ٣ِٗخف، ح زُلاؿش، ح يُلا شُ، حلا ظٓزيح .ٍen_US
dc.subjecttest 2en_US
dc.subjectHoly Speech,Exposited Deviation, Eloquence, Significance, Substituent.en_US
dc.subjecttest 3en_US
dc.subjectKudsî Hadis, Ġnziyâh, Belâgat, Delâlet, Ġstibdal.en_US
dc.titleلغ ا ؼٌ ٍٛ الإعلا ١َِّخ ٚا ؼٌشث ١خ الا ضٔ ٠بػ فٟ الأؽبد ٠ش ا مٌذع ١خ ئػذاد ا جٌبؽضخ :فجش ٠خ ؾِ ذّ هٗ سعب خٌ ١ٌٕ ؽٙبدح ا بٌّعغز ١شen_US
dc.title.alternativeKUDSÎ HADİSLERDE İNZİYÂHen_US
dc.typeMaster's Thesisen_US
dc.contributor.departmentBasic Islamic Sciencesen_US

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