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dc.contributor.authorGhahremaninejad, F. and Riahi, M. and Babaei, M. and Attar, F. and Behçet, L. and Sonboli, A.
dc.description.abstractVerbascum is one of the main genera of Scrophulariaceae, but delimitation and phylogenetic relationships of this genus are unclear and have not yet been studied using DNA sequences. Here, using four selected molecular markers (nrDNA ITS and the plastid spacers trnS/G, psbA-trnH and trnY/T), we present a phylogeny of Verbascum and test previous infrageneric taxonomic hypotheses as well as its monophyly with respect to Scrophularia. We additionally discuss morphological variation and the utility of morphological characters as predictors of phylogenetic relationships. Our results show that while molecular data unambiguously support the circumscription of Verbascum inferred from morphology, they prove to be of limited utility in resolving infrageneric relationships, suggesting that Verbascum 's high species diversity is due to rapid and recent radiation. Our work provides phylogenetic estimation of the genus Verbascum using molecular data and can serve as a starting point for future investigations of Verbascum and relatives. © 2014 CSIRO.
dc.sourceAustralian Journal of Botany
dc.titleMonophyly of Verbascum (Scrophularieae:Scrophulariaceae): Evidence from nuclear and plastid phylogenetic analyses

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