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dc.contributor.authorBars, M.E.
dc.description.abstractShamanism is a belief system practiced by the Turks in Central Asia since the previous years. Shamanism is the practice performed by the kam / shaman. Shamanism beliefs and practices have continued to influence Turks for many years. Later the Turks accepted many religions / belief systems. But no belief system has destroyed the shamanist elements. Shamanism has adapted to new cultural environments and has continued to exist with changes in shape / meaning. Nowadays, many shamanist beliefs / practices live together with various changes in the sufi form which is formed around the Islamic religion. Shamanism has lost many elements in its original form as it influences mystical thought, transformed into the forms that the new belief system can accept. In this study, the similarities between shamanism and sufism are examined. © 2018 Hacettepe University 1. All rights reserved.
dc.titleFrom shamanism to mysticism transformations from shaman to Sufi / Saint change [Şamanİzmden tasavvufa şamandan Sufİ/Velİye değİşİm/dönüşümler]

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