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dc.contributor.authorEfe, D. and Karaca, I.
dc.description.abstractCassida rubiginosa Muller (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a polyphagous species and is widely distributed across the world. This species is regarded as fed on weeds by many researchers, while it is also pest of some cultivated plants. In this study, the biological parameters of C. rubiginosa fed on Cynara scolymus L. (Asteraceae) were investigated. Average periods of egg, 1st instar, 2nd instar, 3rd instar, 4th instar, 5th instar, pre-pupa, pupa and total development of C. rubiginosa fed on C. scolymus were 6.54; 2.60; 2.84; 2.57; 4.69; 5.29; 2.11; 6.91 and 32.68 days, respectively. Life table parameters were calculated as Intrinsic rate of increase: 0.017; Net reproductive rate: 533.25 and Mean generation time: 351.05 for the populations which used C. scolymus as the host, respectively. Weibull frequency distribution was used to determine the curve that best describes the survival ratio of C. rubiginosa fed on C. scolymus. In the host plant it is a type I survival curve, as parameter c, is >1. Depend on this results, population of C. rubiginosa fed on C. scolymus had an increased popula-tion. © by PSP.
dc.sourceFresenius Environmental Bulletin
dc.titleThe life table and biology of cassida rubiginosa fed on cynara scolymus

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