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dc.contributor.authorKalin, A. and Yurtcan, M. and Kurdoglu, B.C.
dc.description.abstractUniversity campuses are supposed to offer many functions to their users such as accommodation, catering, resting, entertainment, socialising, etc. just as cities do. Transportation primarily based on motor vehicles causes overuse of open spaces of university campuses by cars, and consequently, prevents pedestrians from meeting their needs of safe access and recreation. Plans of cycle tracks and lanes, which lie in the heart of pedestrianisation policies of modern cities, should be regarded as a solution for university campuses as well. The aim of the current study is to plan a cycle track for Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) campus and propose required furniture. In this respect, the study includes the design process of a cycle track and accompanying furniture that was produced by one of the study-groups formed in the Workshop called ‘Planning Greenways on Campuses, Furniture Design in the Example of KTU’, which was run for four days in the scope of Scientific Research Project No KTU BAP FLY-2016-5504. As a result the concept of ‘ecological uprising’, which was determined in the free associations study, a complex design comprising a cycle track that is composed of sustainable materials, sitting units and bicycle parking lots was proposed. © 2019, Scibulcom Ltd.. All rights reserved.
dc.sourceJournal of Environmental Protection and Ecology
dc.titleExample of a recreation-oriented cycle track design at university campuses

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