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dc.contributor.authorOrak, İ. and Eren, H. and Bıyıklı, N. and Dâna, A.
dc.description.abstractIn this study, a methodology for producing highly controlled and uniformly dispersed metal nanoparticles were developed by atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique. All-ALD grown thin film flash memory (TFFM) cells and their applications were demonstrated with ultra-small platinum nanoparticles (Pt-NPs) as charge trapping layer and control tunnel oxide layer. The ultra-small Pt-NPs possessed sizes ranging from 2.3 to 2.6 nm and particle densities of about 2.5 × 10 13 cm –b . The effect of Pt-NPs embedded on the storage layer for charging was investigated. The charging effect of ultra-small Pt-NPs the storage layer was observed using the electrical characteristics of TFFM. The Pt-NPs were observed by a high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM). The memory effect was manifested by hysteresis in the I DS -V DS and I DS -V GS curves. The charge storage capacity of the TFFM cells demonstrated that ALD-grown Pt-NPs in conjunction with ZnO layer can be considered as a promising candidate for memory devices. Moreover, ZnO TFFM showed a I ON /I OFF ratio of up to 52 orders of magnitude and its threshold voltage (V th ) was approximately −4.1 V using I ds −a/b – V gs curve. Fabricated TFFMs exhibited clear pinch-off and show n-type field effect transistor (FET) behavior. The role of atomic-scale controlled Pt-NPs for improvement of devices were also discussed and they indicated that ALD-grown Pt-NPs can be utilized in nanoscale electronic devices as alternative quantum dot structures. © 2018
dc.sourceApplied Surface Science
dc.titleUtilizing embedded ultra-small Pt nanoparticles as charge trapping layer in flashristor memory cells

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