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dc.contributor.authorGul, S. and Ahmad, M. and Zafar, M. and Bahadur, S. and Sultana, S. and Ashfaq, S. and Ullah, F. and Kilic, O. and Hassan, F.U. and Siddiq, Z.
dc.description.abstractFoliar epidermal features were based on the micromorphology of trichomes types, epidermal cells and stomatal complex. Even though each feature has its own limited taxonomic value but collectively these characteristics may be systematically important especially for the discrimination and identification of complex and problematic taxa. The systematics significance of nonglandular (NGTs) and glandular trichomes (GTs), stomatal complex and epidermal cells of Lamiaceous flora were analyzed by using the light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Variations on the observed epidermal appendages were divided into two basic types: glandular and nonglandular. GTs can be divided into subtypes: sessile capitate, subsessile capitate, and barrel and sunken. NGTs were also divided into subtypes: dendritic, stellate, conical, falcate, simple and 1–6 cells long having granulate and smooth surface ornamentation. NGTs were the most dominant features of both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of all observed taxa. Vitex negundo, Isodon rugosus, Colebrookea oppositifolia, and Marrubium vulgare could be demarked because of their twisted like appearance of NGTs at the abaxial surface. The Lamiaceae had both hypostomatic and amphistomatic leaf. Stomata were observed as diacytic, anisocytic, and anomocytic. Epidermal cells were found to be irregular, isodiametric, and rectangular. Based on these characters a taxonomic key was developed to delimit the closely related taxa. Distribution and morphology of the foliar epidermal trichomes through SEM highlight an important taxonomic tool used by the taxonomists as an aid to the correct identification of problematic Lamiaceae taxa. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.sourceMicroscopy Research and Technique
dc.titleFoliar epidermal anatomy of Lamiaceae with special emphasis on their trichomes diversity using scanning electron microscopy

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