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dc.contributor.authorTanriverdi O, E. and Yelkovan, S.
dc.description.abstractFenoxycarb 0-ethyl N-(2-(4-pheoxyphenoxy)-ethyl) carbamate is the most potent juvenile hormone analogue against a variety of insect species including the silkworm Bombyx mori. In this study, the effects of fenoxycarb on silkworm Bombyx mori brain neurosecretory cells in 5th instar were investigated. Fenoxycarb (1 ng/10 µl) was applied topically along the dorsa-medial line to the animals in the spinning behavior on day 1 of the experimental group. Brains removed by dissection were histologically examined by hematoxylin eosin (hem&eosin) and paraldehyde fuchsin staining. Three types of neurosecretory cells (NSCs) were identified, NSC-1, NSC-2 and NSC-3. It was determined that cell secretions were in different density on different days. It was shown that the secretion density of cells on different days was not the same as the experimental and control groups. The fenoxycarb was found to suppress the bombyxin (insulin-like peptides) secretion of cells in the spinning behavior on day 2. Also, it stimulated the division of NSCs on the spinning behavior on day 5. © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
dc.sourceInvertebrate Neuroscience
dc.titleHistological investigation of the effects of fenoxycarb on neurosecretory cells in the silkworm, Bombyx mori brain

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