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dc.contributor.authorKilic, M. and Imak, A. and Kirik, I.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the properties of TIG coatings of AISI 304 steel with SiC-reinforced NiBSi and NiBSi/SiC-X metal matrix at different rate, as well as the effect of SiC reinforcement rate on microstructure, microhardness, and wear properties of the coating layer. After the coating process, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and x-ray diffraction technique (XRD) were conducted in order to determine microstructure, chemical composition, and phases. Microhardness and wear tests were carried out to determine wear mechanism of the coating layer, and wear surfaces were also characterized by SEM and EDS. The results showed that enhanced microhardness could be achieved with SiC reinforcement and microphotograph of microstructure showed a dendritic structure with dissolved SiC particles. Moreover, coatings of AISI 304 with SiC and NiBSi/SiC presented an excellent hardness and wear resistance. © 2021, ASM International.
dc.sourceJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance
dc.titleSurface Modification of AISI 304 Stainless Steel with NiBSi-SiC Composite by TIG Method

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