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dc.contributor.authorTatlılıoğlu, Kasım
dc.description.abstractErikson has complimentaıy descriptions of personality and view mankind as a social being in nature, having a desire to belong and motivated for significance in their social environment in order to handle with inferiority. Also suggests that four main areas should be taken in consideration during the counseling process: Work, friendship, sexual love, and optimism. Erikson's key identity concepts: Identification, identity formation process, identity achievement, identity crisis. Erikson acknowledges the importance of personality development during childhood and also individual's personality may develop in a process involving ali defend life. But this development process is not so easy also individual is bound to live binary, opposite confiicts. According to Erikson crisis consisting of eight phases contain in each period (turning points) must be overcame in a healthy way. Each stage is binary because it represents two opposite poles. Erikson elaborated the stages and embrace the whole life with his psychosocial theory. Erikson has accented the theme of socio-cultural influences in human development. Erikson stressed the development of self-identity within a social context that provides an orientation toward or against constructive communal living. Erikson believed that human beings are rational creatures and their thoughts, feelings, and actions are largely controlled by the ego. Erikson consider the social as well as the creative self or ego processes as being not less important than biological-self. Erikson designated development as the evolution of "ego identity". The environment that children live in was one of the important aspects of his theories. Erikson in his studies, focused gave importance to child development in terms of interpersonal and cultural influences. Besides, Erikson, had emphasized the importance of the ability of social cooperation. According to Erikson, ego is more than a mediator between the id and the superego. Erikson's developing "ego identity" incorporates structural influences, perceptions of the world and self, interpersonal orientations and patterns of problem solving. Being a responsible and participating member of the society is often seen as a sign of maurity. By understanding the process of identity development iss better able to spot potential problems and provide early interventions that can result in better outcomes. As a result, Erikson focused specifically on "growth psychology", which makes Erikson assumed to be the members of the "third force" in psychology....tr_TR
dc.publisherNational Aviation University (Kiev / UKRAIN)tr_TR
dc.subjectErik Erikson, identity, stages of psychological development, identity status, identity confision, turning point, ego psychology.tr_TR

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