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dc.contributor.authorGüner, Ahmet
dc.contributor.authorAlçin, Ömer Faruk
dc.contributor.authorÜstündağ, Mehmet
dc.description.abstractIn this study, determination of the type of digital modulation of received signal in communication systems was aimed. For this purpose, high order cumulants, which are the most addressed ones, and frequency-based features were together examined for improving performance of classifier. Simulation studies were performed to evaluate the effect of these features on performance of classifier, both separately and together. Performed simulation studies showed that the proposed approach had higher performancetr_TR
dc.publisherInternational Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium'16tr_TR
dc.subjectHigh order cumulantstr_TR
dc.subjectmedian frequencytr_TR
dc.subjectmean frequencytr_TR
dc.subjectmean Lomb-Scargle Periodogramtr_TR
dc.subjectextreme learning machinetr_TR
dc.titleFeature Analysis of Time and Frequency Domain for Automatic Modulation Classificationtr_TR

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