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dc.contributor.authorTürel, Vehbi
dc.identifier.citationTurel, V. (2014). The use and design of supplementary visuals for the enhancement of listening skills in hypermedia. In C. M. Akrivopoulou, & N. Garipidis (Eds.), Human rights and the impact of ICT in the public sphere: Participation, democracy, and political autonomy (pp. 268-291). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI-Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6248-3.ch016.
dc.description.abstractThis chapter investigates the attitudes and opinions (perceptions) of 43 language learners (LLs) towards the use of supplementary contextual visuals (SCVs) in a HME for enhancing listening skills as a part of Foreign Language Learning (FLL). Forty-three LLs’ attitudes towards the use of SCVs are examined in 3 areas: (1) at the pre-listening stage in preparing for listening texts, (2) with talking-heads video at the while-listening stage, and (3) with audio-only at the post-listening stage. The study is both quantitative and qualitative in nature. The results are analysed with SPSS (i.e. descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, valid percentages, and cumulative percentages; Spearman test in Bivariate; Chi-square Test in the Crosstabs analysis; Fisher’s exact Test). The results reveal that the LLs are in favour of the use of SCVs (a) at the pre-listening stage for preparation, (b) with talking-heads video at the while-listening stage, and (c) with audio-only clips at the post-listening stage. The LLs believe that SCVs could benefit them in a variety of ways that could contribute to the enhancement of their listening. There are also some significant relationships between their perceptions and some independent variables.tr_TR
dc.subjectuse of visuals, design of supplementary contextual visuals, hypermedia environments,tr_TR
dc.titleThe use and design of supplementary visuals for the enhancement of listening skills in hypermediatr_TR
dc.typeBook chaptertr_TR

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