Modern Çağda Kadın Şiiri- Model Olarak Nazik Al Malaika ve Fadwa Tokan
Bu tez, Nazik Al-Malaika ve Fadwa Tokan isimli iki şairin şiirlerini inceleyerek çağdaş Arap kadın şiirinin en önemli özelliklerini belirlemeyi hedeflemektedir. Araştırmacı, tüm ayrıntıları da göz önünde bulundurarak, kadın şairlerin kullandığı dile odaklanmıştır: Çalışma, şiirin muhtevasındaki Değişikliğin Yanı Sıra şekilde meydana gelen değişim, imalar, semboller, şiirsel ve diğer sanatsal araçlarına da de açıklık getirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Edebi çalışmalarda bilimsel gereklilikten hareketle iki kadın şair Nazek Al-Malaika ve Fadwa Tokan ortaya koymuş oldukları modern Arap şiiri incelenmiş ve modern Arap şiirinde kadının ileri atılmasındaki rolleri incelenmiştir. Nazik Al-Malaika, Lise ve Üniversite Eğitimini tamamlayan ilk Iraklı aydınlardan biridir. Modern çağın en önemli Irak ve Arap şairlerinden biridir. Serbest Nazımın öncüsüdür. Arap edebiyatında birkaç yüzyıl boyunca hüküm süren klasik biçim ve üsluptan şiirsel biçim ve şekilden serbest nazıma büyük bir geçiş. Nazik Al-Malaika, düşüncelerini özgür şiir ile dile getiren şairlerden biridir. Aslında serbest şiir, Nazik ve meslektaşlarının bu alandaki girişimleriyle gelişmiştir. Çeşitli konularda birçok şiir yazdı ve çeşitli şiir divanları bulunmaktadır. Fadwa Tokan, Filistin'in en önde gelen şairlerinden biridir. Fadwa Tokan'ın belki de benzersizliği nedeniyle en cüretkar şairlerden biridir. Fadwa, muhafazakar ataerkil bir toplumda şaşırtıcı bir cesaretle bu. ABSTRACT:
The current thesis aims to identify the most important features of contemporary Arab women's poetry, by studying the poetry of two famous poets, who are: Nazik Al-Malaika and Fadwa Tokan. The researcher focused on tracking the language used by women poetry, including the details such as clarifying the change in the content of the poem, the change that occurred in the form, the structure words, the connotations it contains without neglecting the allusions, symbols, poetic images, and other artistic tools. Based on that and for the sake of scientific necessity in literary studies, the modern Arabic poetry of the two poets Nazek Al-Malaika and Fadwa Tokan and their role in the Renaissance Of Women in modern Arabic poetry were studied. Nazik Al-Malaika is one of the first Iraqi intellectual women who completed her secondary and postgraduate studies. She is considered a significant Iraqi, Arab poets in the modern era. In Arabic literature for several centuries, the form known as free poetry has been attributed to her. Among her most important works are: Night Dwelling, Listen to the Echo of the Groans, In the Depths of Darkness, Under the Silence of the Dead. Nazik Al-Malaika is one of the poets who relied on free poetry to express her thoughts. In fact, free poetry developed with the attempts of Nazik and her colleagues in this field. She has written many poems on various topics, and has several collections of poetry. Fadwa Tokan is one of the most prominent poets of Palestine. Perhaps the uniqueness of Fadwa Tokan is that she was the most daring in self, and the most impulsive in revealing and confessing. Fadwa stormed this mined field with surprising boldness in a conservative society. Fadwa Tokan is considered one of the few Arab poets who left the classical styles of the old Arabic poem in an easy and uninitiated way. Fadwa Tokan's poetry is distinguished by its linguistic strength and good casting, with a penchant for narration and directness. It is also characterized by lyricism and an amazing emotional energy, in which complaints feelings are mixed with bitterness, and grief. It was the researcher's interest to study - without extensively - the role of women in human culture, and the extent of Arab women's contribution to literature in general, and poetry. It was concluded a general description of what women already have and what they should do, along with standing on the joints of women's struggle in defense of their rights. Finally, the research showed the difference in opinions on the issue of the existence of a literature specific to women that is attributed to her and bears her fingerprints and features. The theoretical material was followed by an applied study that delves into the depths of the feminist poetic texts in which a set of results were stated in the study and some others were referred to briefly in the conclusion.
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