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dc.contributor.authorGul, M. and Koc, B. and Dagistan, E. and Akpinar, M.G. and Parlakay, O.
dc.description.abstractThis paper analyses technical efficiency of cotton farms in Çukurova region in Turkey. Data was collected from cotton farms through a questionnaire study. Data collection was carried out following 2004-2005 growing seasons. Technical efficiency of cotton farms was estimated by using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and technical efficiency scores were calculated employing an input oriented DEA. Tobit regression analysis was used to identify determinants of technical efficiency. Results indicate that cotton farmers can save inputs by at least 20% while remaining at the same production level. Factors strongly affecting efficiency level of the farmers were found to be farmers' age, education level and groups of cotton growing areas. © 2009 Academic Journals.
dc.sourceAfrican Journal of Agricultural Research
dc.titleDetermination of technical efficiency in cotton growing farms in Turkey: A case study of Cukurova region

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