Basit öğe kaydını göster

dc.contributor.authorSimsek, M.
dc.description.abstractTurkey has great variations and distributions in wild fig forms as well as fig cultivars. This study was carried out in Mardin and Şanliurfa provinces during 2004 - 2005. Nine fig genotypes were evaluated in this selection study for two years. In this study, some morphological characteristics investigated were tree growth habit, tree vigour, relative degree of branching, leaf shape and leaf margin dentation. Also, the characteristics of all the fig genotypes were identificated. 63-07-006 and 63-07-007 fig genotypes which had the highest scores in all the fig genotypes according to analysis in the weighted ranked method were evaluated to be best table fig genotypes. In pomological characteristics, fruit weight ranged between 71.77 g (47-02-003) and 43.29 g (63-07-005). Some other values were: 65.26 mm (47-02-003) and 46.99 mm (47-02-019) of width; 56.87 mm (47-02-003) and 38.23 mm (47-02-008) of length; 4.44 mm (63-07-007) and 3.58 mm (47-02-020) of ostiole width; 28.57% (47-02-012) and 16.87% (63-07-007) of total soluble solids (TSS) ratio were determined. © 2009 Academic Journals.
dc.sourceAfrican Journal of Biotechnology
dc.titleEvaluation of selected fig genotypes from Southeast Turkey

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