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dc.contributor.authorKiliç, H. and Akar, T. and Kendal, E. and Sayim, I.
dc.description.abstractThis study was carried out in 2002 to 2003 and 2003 to 2004 seasons at the experimental area of Elazi{dotless}ǧǧ Agriculture Provincial Directorate in Turkey to investigate the genetic and environmental variation of grain yield and some quality traits of 21 barley cultivars. Grain yield, hectoliter weight (HLW), thousand grain weight (TGW), coarse grain and protein content were investigated in the trial. The analysis of the results showed that the highest grain yield was obtained from Balkan-96 variety (4790 kg ha-1), followed by Şahin-91 (4677.8 kg ha-1) and Aydanhani{dotless}m (4520.6 kg ha-1), the lowest one from Angora variety (3255.8 kg ha-1) under the agro ecological conditions of Elazi{dotless}ǧ region. There was a significant year x variety interaction for grain yield and protein content while HLW, TGW and coarse grain traits were not affected by year x variety interaction. Aydanhani{dotless}m and Orza-96 cultivars can be used as parents for improving new malting cultivars with higher TGW, HLW and coarse grain and low protein value, while Sahin-91 and Tokak-157/37 for new feeding cultivars. © 2010 Academic Journals.
dc.sourceAfrican Journal of Biotechnology
dc.titleEvaluation of grain yield and quality of barley varieties under rainfed conditions

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