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dc.contributor.authorBoydak, E. and Karaaslan, D. and Türkoǧlu, H.
dc.description.abstractThis study was carried out to determine the effect of nitrogen doses and irrigation levels on fatty acid composition of peanut oils grown in Southeast Anatolia Region. Nitrogen and irrigation levels affected all parameters tested significantly (P<0.01) except for oleic acid which not affected by irrigation levels. There were no regular and certain differences between irrigation and nitrogen levels. So increasing irrigation and nitrogen levels did not increase or decrease in fatty acid content steadily. Palmitic acid varied from 9.86 to 10.31%, stearic acid varied from 4.55 to 5.06%, oleic acid varied from 52.00 to 53.31%, linoleic acid varied from 21.77 to 23.14%, linolenic acid varied from 0.046 to 0.054 %, arasidic acid varied from 1.75 to 2.23%, and behenic acid varied from 2.08 to 2.60 %, respectively. Some of the correlation coefficients among fatty acids were found significant and negative correlation was found between oleic and linoleic acid contents (P<0.01).
dc.sourceTurkish Journal of Field Crops
dc.titleThe effect of different nitrogen and irrigation levels on fatty acid composition of peanut oils

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