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dc.contributor.authorNedzvetskii, V. and Kyrychenko, S. and Baydas, G.
dc.description.abstractNeural functions are very sensitive to different kind treatment from -pharmacology to environmental pollutants substances. Neurospecific proteins are involved in learning and memory. Thinner is a neurotoxic mixture which is widely used as an aromatic industrial solvent. This product has been shown to cause functional and structural changes in the central nervous system. We investigated the effect of exposure to high concentrations of thinner for 45 days on cognitive -functions and the levels of neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAM) and lipid peroxidation products (LPO) in the hippocampus, cortex and cerebellum of rats. The actions of melatonin on the effects produced by thinner exposure were also tested. Thinner exposure caused a dramatic increase in LPO in all brain regions. Melatonin administration significantly reduced LPO in these brain regions. NCAM (180 kDa) was significantly decreased in hippocampus and cortex of thinner-exposed rats. Furthermore, thinner-exposed rats showed cognitive deficits in passive avoidance and Morris water maze tasks, whereas in the rats chronically treated with melatonin these effects were reversed. This study indicates that treatment with melatonin -prevents learning and memory deficits caused by thinner exposure possibly by reducing oxidative stress and regulating neural plasticity.
dc.sourceNATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security
dc.titleThinner Exposure and Memory and Learning Deficits

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