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dc.contributor.authorArabaci, T. and Cicek, Y. and Dilsiz, A. and Erdogan, I.Y. and Kose, O. and Kizildaǧ, A.
dc.description.abstractRoughness on tooth surfaces is reported to facilitate the reestablishment of microbial dental plaque. Hence, the main goal of dental scaling is to remove bacterial plaque and obtain smoother tooth surfaces. This study was aimed to assess the influence of tip wear of ultrasonic scaler inserts on root surface roughness at different working parameters. Twenty piezoelectric ultrasonic scaler inserts (10 worn/10 new) were selected to examine the erosion ratio (ER) on the scaler tips and to assess the influence of tip wear on root surface roughness. Erosion on the tip surfaces was evaluated under atomic force microscopy (AFM). Root samples were prepared and instrumented by new (Group I) and worn (Group II) inserts at different working parameters. Roughness change (Rc) on root surfaces after instrumentation was examined under profilometer and compared between and within the groups. Statistically significant differences were found between the mean ERs of new and worn tips (P < 0.01). The results of this study showed that tip angulation and instrument power strongly influenced the Rc values on instrumented samples (P < 0.05). It was also revealed that tip wear influenced the Rc values on root surfaces especially at 45° tip angulation (P < 0.05). Therefore, tip wear should also be considered as much as the other parameters to minimize the surface roughness during ultrasonic treatment. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Dental Hygiene
dc.titleInfluence of tip wear of piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers on root surface roughness at different working parameters. A profilometric and atomic force microscopy study

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