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dc.contributor.authorSürücü, A. and Özyazici, M.A. and Bayrakli, B. and Kizilkaya, R.
dc.description.abstractIn this research, the effects of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) used for green manure and forage production as a winter catch crop on some soil biological properties were investigated. The field experiments were conducted in Çar- şamba Plain located in the north region of Turkey. The "green manuring-maize-wheat" crop rotation with a randomized complete block with four replications was repeated in two separate years. The treatments used to in-vestigate the management effect on soil enzyme activity were: (GM1-GM4) burying the whole above ground faba bean plant as green manure, (GM5-GM8) burying the under ground-stubbles of plants and (C1-C2) control. Different nitrogen doses of 0, 60, 120, 180 kg N ha-1 for maize, and 0, 50, 100 andl50 kg N ha-1 for wheat were applied following the green manuring. The results revealed that both types of green manure applications provided an increase in urease and dehydrogenase contents of soils compared to the control. The urease (UA) and dehydrogenase (DH) activities were higher with above ground parts of faba been application when compared to application of the underground stubbles. The activity of the UA and DG were significantly (P<0.05) influenced at the end of the maize harvest in the GM amended soils. At the end of the maize harvest, significantly (P<0.05) highest UA activity (205.1 μg N 1-1 g dry soil) was observed in the GM1 treatment compared to the control soil. While, the lowest UA activity was recorded in the GM5 (178.4 ng N 1-1 g dry soil). © by PSP.
dc.sourceFresenius Environmental Bulletin
dc.titleEffects of green manuring on soil enzyme activity

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