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dc.contributor.authorGuner, A. and Ustundag, M.
dc.description.abstractMultiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm is a well-known method in direction of arrival (DOA) estimation for having high resolution capability and therefore it's statistical performance have been investigated for different situations. One of them is the proximity of signal sources and under the condition of the colored noise. In this paper, DOA estimation is analyzed with presence of the white noise and the colored noise. In DOA estimation, the advantages of using fourth order cumulants of the signal are showed by the simulation results. Different downsized fourth order cumulant matrices are presented in order to reduce computational complexity of the cumulant. © 2015 IEEE.
dc.source2015 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2015 - Proceedings
dc.titlePerformance analysis of fourth order cumulant method in direction of arrival estimation [Dördüncü Dereceden Logaritmik Moment Metodunun Variş Yönü Kestiriminde Performans Analizi]

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