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dc.contributor.authorYiğitbaş, Ç. and Bulut, A. and Bulut, A. and Semerci, M.
dc.description.abstractAim: the adults who admitted to Bingol State Hospitals clinics and cancer are not diagnosed, determine their knowledge and attitues about cancer screening test Materials and Methods: This descriptive study is made. As data collection form; a questionnaire, containing 26 questions about cancer, the participants’ demographic characteristics, was applied. Averages are given with standard deviation, p <0.05 was considered significant. Results: The average age 32.92±10.14. 18.4% of the participants indicate that have cancer. The percentage of those hearing screening tests is 58.7%. The ratio of those who know pap smear is 30.8%. 36.0’s% of men know Testicular Self-Examination. 56.9% of respondents had heard about taking fecal occult blood test, 20% of them reported that they have it done. Conclusions: Female participants, about 50% of them in term of cancer, they know tests, pap smear but they do that rearly. That male participants, Testicular Self-Examination, doctor examination Prostate Spesific Antigen but they also do that rearly is seen. © 2016, Gunes Kitap Kirtasiye. All rights reserved.
dc.sourceTurk Jinekolojik Onkoloji Dergisi
dc.titleKnowledge and attitudes about cancer screening tests on adult admitted to state hospital of bingol [Bingöl devlet hastanesine başvuran yetişkinlerin kanser tarama testlerine ilişkin bilgi ve tutumlari]

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